
 Who We Are.png


👨‍💻Founded in 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, BIZZ ICT is a private company that incorporates excellent services to customers which in need of technology solutions.

👨‍💻We provide solutions and services directly to customers in private organasation.

W H A T  W E  D O

 I M P R O V E 

We focus on improving our knowledge in technology to bring added value to customers.

R E V E N U E 

We ensure healthy revenue growth within our company to good sustainability so we can continue providing value to customers.

 S U C C E S S 

We strive to bring sustainable technology to customers that can help to grow their business.

Plaster ceiling

Plaster ceilings are installed for various reasons. These ceilings are made of plasterboards supported by a metal frame. They make homes look more polished and elegant, and they can contain intricate carvings too.

O U R  M I S S I O N

In BIZZ ICT, we strive to create opportunity and drive growth especially in networking and security technology in Malaysia by embracing and continuously learning new technologies, so we can bring those technologies to our customers.

Cement Skim

It is an enlarged photograph or series of photographs usually several meters long placed on a wall especially as decoration.

O U R  V I S S I O N

In BIZZ ICT, we strive to provide excellent service to customer which needs technology solutions.

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